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Anything is Possible-Manifest it.

Anything is Possible-Manifest it.

Excerpt from my book- "The Journey V.K.E" "The universe is filled with abundance, there is nolack in terms of what you want; use your mind and itsfrequency to get you to where you want to be.Remember, everything takes time, and whilst you are onthis journey awaiting...

“Spend time with those who FUEL your positive energy”. V.K.E

#mentalhealthiscrucial #peace #takecareofyou

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Mental Health Awareness May 1st to May 31st

Let's drive some action where mental awareness and mental health is concerned in the business places. Let's act out what it means to take care of our mind and in doing so showing up for our employees in meaningful ways. "Spend time with those who FUEL your positive...


What a momentous occasion we are celebrating, this 8th day of March. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY to all women across the globe. It is a historic day indeed to honor WHO we are, to honor what we have achieved and continue to achieve. We cannot take this...

Let’s Start Something new
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