About US
HRM Mapping Consulting Inc.
At HRM Mapping Consulting Inc., making a difference is not just a tagline; it’s our ethos. We take pride in revolutionizing human resource management by offering innovative solutions that transcend traditional boundaries. We specialize in all aspects of HRM, we navigate the complex terrain of HRM mapping, ensuring that every organizational facet aligns seamlessly with strategic objectives. Our commitment to excellence goes beyond conventional consulting — we are architects of change, sculpting environments where talent flourishes, and businesses thrive. In every endeavor, we strive not just to meet expectations but to redefine and exceed them, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of human resource management.

1st publication as of December 2023. Purchase your copy now for inspiration, motivation and hope, whilst on your Journey.
This memoire delves into our lives as a ‘journey’ and puts life into perspective with a better understanding of why we are here. It underscores the importance of focusing on who we are while filling our cups through the various chapters that we traverse. Most profoundly, it offers an understanding that no two journeys are the same and where we are is exactly where we should be. It is one mirrored with numerous turns whether right or wrong, but in the midst of all this are beautiful pathways and the pivotal shedding of the old and birthing of the new.
There are no coincidences in this life. It is about making the most on this journey because there is a reason we are here and a purpose we are serving. It is eye opening in many regards and encourages one to examine the dark places that we all sometimes find ourselves, in an effort to bring forth the light that we all so desperately need. The word journey has always resonated with me hence the title of the book. Over the last couple of years I have realized that every aspect of my life was part of my inevitable journey and they were all part of a bigger plan. We are not here by accident.
Everything we go through or have been going through in life is an experience we must all go through: the challenges, the blessings, the darkness & the light.
Why read this memoire? Everyone is going through their own battle, mentally or otherwise and on this journey, we experience different emotions, adversities, yet blissful moments during various chapters. How we manage what happens on this journey is an indication of how well we are all learning and comprehending who we are and the reason for our existence; further it gives insight into our understanding of the purpose we serve and the lessons we are learning or have learnt.
Take a leap of faith with me and explore this memoir from stem to stern and understand that after you have read this piece it wasn’t a coincidence at all.
As the journey continues learn to appreciate every chapter you are on understanding that no two chapters will ever be the same and where you are in this moment in time is exactly where you should be.
Everything we go through or have been going through in life is an experience we must all go through: the challenges, the blessings, the darkness & the light.
Strategic HR Planning
HR Audit & Assessment
Organizational Planning & Development
Employee Engagement Plans
Talent Alignment & Recruitment Services
Benefits & Compensations (Total Rewards)
HRM Mapping Consulting Inc.
The formation of my consulting company resulted from an INSPIRATION to offer REAL HRM Services that tackles all elements of the HR function; Strategic, Operational & Tactical. This comes from the unfortunate realization that most organizations have a false perception of how HR adds value, its significance, and how impactful it can be to the Company’s bottom line; and as a result Companies make and take decisions that are in contradiction to their goals which inevitably affects how people perform.
If and when the HR element is applied in the right way, and the focus shifts from Administration to Strategic, the results achieved through the efforts of people in the organization are phenomenal! When this shift happens, everything else takes care of itself including how well your Customers are treated. So if you are interested in aligning your Team with the Goals of your business and you desire TEAM PRODUCTIVITY, HRM Mapping Consulting Inc. will create the structure for Performance Alignment & Management that will achieve the results you are looking for.
V.Kim Eugene- GPHR. MBA. BSc. PGDip.
Certified Global Professional in Human Resource
Certified Human Resource Consultant-CHRC
Certified Life Coach
Company – “HRM Mapping Consulting Inc”
Telephone: 758 2856904, 7867694916

About The Owner
Ms. Eugene-GPHR (certified/licensed global professional in HR) is the founder of HRM Mapping Consulting. With over 16 years of experience in HRM, an MBA, BSc in HRM, and a Professional Diploma in Management, Ms. Eugene aspires to continue to change the landscape of the Human Resource Field by helping Companies develop and train their human capital in ways that will ensure alignment of Talent to bring about a return on investment
She is extremely passionate about her profession. Her passionate and self-motivated personality is what has truly propelled her career and therefore the success in her profession. The passion for what she does is exemplified in the success she has achieved throughout her career. She executes at exceedingly high levels irrespective of the task at hand. In fact, because of the widespread view that HR is simply a hiring and firing function she has endeavored to change this reality by creating and developing the HR function that mirrors the true meaning of Human Resource; one that is focused on Strategic Alignment and encompasses all other areas of the Human Resource application such as Talent Management, Employee Engagement, Performance Review and Succession Planning. Ms. Eugene has held numerous training sessions on Customer Care, Professionalism, Communication, Self-Development, Career Guidance, Workplace readiness and Culture to name a few. In addition she continues to champion issues that are critical for continued survival, issues such as Mental Health, Personal growth, and Mentoring & Coaching young minds.
Ms. Eugene is well known for her talent in the HR field and by extension making an impact in the lives of others through coaching and mentoring.
In the end, her aim in this regard is to build Individuals along their Journey, to give them the support that they should have in order to help them find ways to be the best version of themselves and to contribute positively to society.
Apart from her usual HR portfolio, Ms. Eugene is currently focusing on a few training areas that she believes is crucial in elevating the service delivery in St. Lucia and to further positively impact and fuel the human resource landscape by preparing young adults to become job ready. Namely-
- Customer Care Training
- Job Readiness Training
My personal Mantra – “Making a difference doesn’t mean creating a huge change all at once, it simply means to me, creating a positive impact however small that will make a difference in someone’s Life, this difference is made, one person at a time.” V.K.E