This year, let us aim for greater inner peace, deeper meaning from life, and greater enlightenment about our Journey and who we are. Let’s make space for our emotional and mental health. This year let us redirect our energy internally and fill our cups with love, gratitude, peace, kindness, grace and positive thoughts. Let’s improve on the way we feel this year in ways that will allow us to heal ourselves. Whilst this may take some time, building a routine and working at it significantly helps. It is worth it for your mental and emotional stability once you are able to practice consistently. Someone once said, as women because we are born nurturers, when we are alone we naturally begin to nurture ourselves, heal ourselves, love ourselves as we would our children. We become our own mothers. However this applies to everyone searching for solace and healing- We all can heal ourselves!
Maintain a balanced life (work hard, but find time to give yourself a break)
Here are some things you can do to nourish and feed your mind and body.
- Focus on your abilities & strengths
- Start a gratitude and appreciation list
- Practice affirmations
- Your mindset is everything
- Spend time in nature-go for a walk
- Spend time Journaling
- Record all your beautiful experiences
- Learn to prepare a new dish once a month
- Connect with someone at least once a week-have deep meaningful conversations
- Get peer support if you need to
- Practice yoga
- Start a meditation routine
- Find time for therapeutic sessions
- massage
- reflexology
- pedicure
- Start incorporating herbal teas into your routine
- Read a book (a chapter a day)
- If you wish to vent, you can do so on paper or call a trusted friend
- Every day is a special occasion, dress nicely
- Pray often
- Buy yourself a gift ever so often (reward your development)
- Listen to podcasts
- Listen to classical music
- Give freely of your time when you are able to
- Give yourself grace
We spend Thousands of dollars on our physical health….on medication etc, but how much do we spend on our Mental Wellbeing. Let that sink in!
Recovery from emotional and mental health issues is a journey and it will not always be easy, it takes time and taking time is important in getting to understand you, so sit with yourself and find ways to help you evolve, grow and recover. It takes patience my beautiful people.
Normalize healing, Normalize spending time with YOU. Normalize self-care. Normalize Mental Wellbeing.
You are more than enough and worthy to be here. Show up for you and let the universe take care of the rest.