Life is not a race and you are not in
competition with anyone. Everyone is going
through their own share of what life is
directing their way.
But somehow, on this journey we are
constantly searching for something, a
seemingly unending search ….. but if you
LOOK deeper, if you look within, you will find
all the answers. My hope is that you are able
to accept all of who you are with all your
imperfections, with all the mental band aids,
only then would you be able to release the
burden that seeks to overwhelm you at the
core .. if only you could accept all of who you
are, then you would be free to just be! If only
you can validate yourself, free yourself from
the need to be validated, then this burden
will be so much lighter …. it’s not easy,
because sometimes we are dealing with
many broken parts and deep trauma. But is it
doable? hell yes!! !But we need to take the
1st step …. go ahead, take that 1st step.